Tax Payment Goes Online

Continuing efforts to boost government tax revenue and facilitate business operations in the country, the General Department of Taxation yesterday launched its electronic payment system and announced plans for an electronic filing platform, which will come online next year.
Kong Vibol, general director of the GDT, said the new online platform for tax payment will enhance transparency when it comes to paying taxes and improve the government’s tax collection capabilities.
Previously, taxpayers were required to go to the Central Bank or different tax departments to fulfil their tax obligations.
“Payments can now be done online, which will save a lot of time for taxpayers,” Mr Vibol said. “The next step for us is an e-filing system, which will make paying taxes even easier.”
During phase 1 of the roll-out, payments can be done through any of the three partnering banking institutions – Vattanac Bank, Acleda Bank and Canadia Bank.
Lim Heng, vice president of the Cambodian Chamber of Commerce, said the new system will encourage more companies to pay their taxes and will reduce corruption.
“Before taxpayers needed to carry a sack of money to pay taxes, but with the new system they can do it online, which will result in less bribes.”
The Ministry of Commerce launched an online business registration system in 2015, allowing business owners to register from anywhere in the world.