Telecom Regulator Calls End To Mobile Price War
The Telecommunication Regulator of Cambodia (TRC) has managed to get the majority of the Kingdom’s six mobile operators to agree to discontinue their recent deep-discounted mobile voice and data deals, with a meeting yesterday extracting confessions that they had been engaging in unfair competition and issuing unprofitable products.
“Almost all of the operators agreed that they would stop running their discounted promotions next week, with only one refusing yet to commit,” said TRC spokesman Im Vutha, adding that the government was ready to name and shame those that didn’t comply with the regulator’s demands. Cambodia has six mobile network operators: Smart, Metfone and Cellcard, qb, Seatel and Cootel. Last month, Cellcard began allowing its customers to exchange $1 for $100 worth of mobile services. Smart then upped the stakes with a $1 for $125 promotion, before Seatel also pitched in with $1 for 2.7 gigabytes of data. “It will be acceptable if operators go back to normal competition by avoiding these massive discounts,” said Vutha. “We want sustainability in the industry that makes consumers, regulators and operators happy.”
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