SERC And CSX Ran Workshop for University Professors and Lecturers about the Cambodian Securities Sector

SERC And CSX Ran Workshop for University Professors and Lecturers about the Cambodian Securities Sector

The Securities and Exchange Regulator of Cambodia (SERC) and Cambodia Securities Exchange (CSX) co-organised a workshop for university professors and lecturers about the Securities Sector in Cambodia on June 3rd 2024 at the Cambodia Securities Exchange Building in Phnom Penh.

The session was held with the support of the General Department of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MoEYS), ACLEDA Securities Plc., RHB Securities (Cambodia) Plc., and Cana Securities Ltd and was presided over by H.E. Sou Socheat, Delegate of the Royal Government in charge as Director General of the SERC, H.E. Hong Sok Hour, Delegate of the Royal Government in charge as Director General of the CSX, and Mrs. Chheng Sokunthy, Deputy Director of Department of the General Department of Higher Education of the MoEYS.

This workshop was organised to help better explain the Cambodian securities sector to university professors and lecturers and to help disseminate the knowledge to their students who might be considering investing in the securities sector in Cambodia, especially investing in equity securities (stock).

The workshop was attended by 63 professors and lecturers from Royal University of Law and Economics, National University of Management, ACLEDA University of Business, Norton University, Asia Euro University, Paragon International University, Human Resource University, University of Cambodia, BELTEI International University, University of Economics and Finance, Institute of Finance and Accounting and VANDA Institute.

Photo Credit SERC & CSX

Promoting Financial Literacy & Knowledge of The Cambodian Securities Market

H.E. Sou Socheat said, “Professors and lecturers are one of the key players in promoting the development of the securities sector in Cambodia as they are mentors of our successors. Therefore, a clear understanding of the situation of the securities market in Cambodia by university professors and lecturers will contribute significantly to promoting awareness, especially about financial literacy and the development of the securities sector in Cambodia”.

H.E. Hong Sok Hour also added, “The event is very important for all university professors and lecturers to gain awareness about the new developments in the securities sector in Cambodia. The participants could contribute to the development of the securities sector by integrating the securities subject into the curriculum to disseminate and share this knowledge with students to build the human resource capacity for Cambodian society.”

Photo Credit SERC & CSX