RDB, World Bank Discuss $100-million Agricultural Diversification Plan
The Rural Development Bank (RDB) yesterday said it discussed with the World Bank the implementation of a $100-million, country-wide agricultural diversification programme designed to help boost the production capacity of local farmers.
RDB director-general Kao Thach said the main focus of this new project is to consolidate the agricultural sector with assistance to small farmers in non-rice crop production.
“The project will cover the whole country and will benefit small producers of vegetables and fruits, as well as those in animal farming,” he told Khmer Times.
He said the World Bank is currently in discussion with the government on how to implement the project, which could run for up to 20 years.
According to RDB, the World Bank will contribute $90 million in loans for the project, with the Cambodian government shouldering the rest.
One key element in the programme is that it is aimed at facilitating agricultural development with a diversification plan based on selected agricultural mapping zones across the country, Mr Thach said.
“It is an important project that will help the non-rice segment, and is in support of the existing government programmes launched through RDB to help small farmers,” Mr Thach said.
Hean Vanhan, director general at the General Directorate of Agriculture, said the programme will enhance the capacity of small-scale farmers.
The Ministry of Economy and Finance last month launched another programme through RBD to help small-scale farmers – a $2-million fund that agricultural communities can use to invest in agricultural and animal production.