Obtain a Cambodian Police Clearance Certificate Online
The Ministry of Justice has confirmed the launch of its first phase to allow applicants to obtain a ‘Police clearance certificate’ online but applications in person at the ministry are still an option.
For some careers in Cambodia, police clearance certificates and checks are required or could be asked for, and many foreign workers may require this document when they choose to leave the Kingdom. The document may also be required for certain travel requirements.
The Khmer Times reported that the ministry has "developed a digital process for the certificate to provide a fast service with transparency", and is in line with many Cambodian governmental departments digitising their processes.
How To Get a Cambodian Police Clearance Certificate Online?
- Members of the public can complete an application for the certificate online on the Ministry of Justice’s website (called the Digital Judgment Bulletin System) and send the form to the ministry via the portal, or download and apply via the CR-MOJ App (this is the same form as currently exists but details can be completed online).
- A visit to the ministry is required afterwards to review the necessary documents, provide thumbprints and pay.
It's not been made clear what the future phases will involve, but online payments would be the next logical step and for the form to be integrated into a trackable system and database? For the app, which is available on Google and Apple app stores, the description says "The Ministry of Justice is pleased to introduce CR-MOJ mobile app. This is a new tool for the public to prepare and submit applications digitally for their official Criminal Records."

How to obtain a Police Clearance Report in Cambodia
If you are a foreigner living and working in Cambodia, you should first try and contact your embassy in the Kingdom to see if they have a service to assist in obtaining a criminal background check. However, many nationalities are not represented in Cambodia with embassies or consulates.
You could also try to contact your relevant business chamber which might be able to assist, but we have also previously published this guide on obtaining a police clearance certificate from Cambodian authorities.