New Phnom Penh Airport is 40 per cent Complete


The new Phnom Penh International Airport has reached 40 per cent completion according to the local authorities and is still is set to be operational in 2023. 

The airport will replace the current Phnom Penh International Airport (Pochentong), while new international airports are also being developed in Siem Reap and Koh Kong. Commissions have also been investigating adding airports in Mondulkiri and Battambang over the past 12 months. 

The airport in Kandal is jointly developed by Cambodia Airports (SCA) and Overseas Cambodia Investment Corporation (OCIC) at a cost of USD $1.5 billion. It is set to include 243,000 square meters of floor space, a 108-meter-high air control tower and operations including a VIP Passenger Terminal. 

New Phnom Penh Internatiomal airport

Artist impression of the New Phnom Penh International Airport By May 2021, the terminal hall, airfield, and control centre are already in place reported local media. The 4F-class New Phnom Penh International Airport is being constructed across more than 2,600 hectares of land in Kandal Stung district and Sa’ang district in Kandal province and a smaller part of Takeo province, with some families receiving their compensation in May 2021.

Airport Flyovers

In anticipation of the airport being completed, the OCIC announced the construction of flyovers connecting the new airport and the centre of Phnom Penh at a cost of around $400 million. These flyovers include a 21-kilometre flyover passing through Hun Sen Boulevard and Street 271, all the way from the Kbal Thnal junction to National Road 2. The second phase stretch of 11 kilometres will connect National Road 2 to the new airport reports the Khmer Times.

Cambodia Air Traffic 2021

In April 2021, Cambodia Airports recorded increased air traffic compared to April 2020; passenger traffic increased by 0.7 per cent, aircraft movement by 21.7 per cent and cargo by 75 per cent. The air traffic and tourism numbers in 2020-2021 have been dramatically affected by the global pandemic but the accelerated vaccination program and possible COVID passports provide hope for this to increase by Q4 2021

More can be read about the operational and planned airport in Cambodia here.