Network Providers In Cambodia Send Alert On Theft And Vandalism Of Telecommunication Infrastructure And Equipment

Network Providers In Cambodia Send Alert On Theft And Vandalism Of Telecommunication Infrastructure And Equipment
Alert on theft and vandalism of telecommunication infrastructure and equipment in Cambodia./Image credit: CC/Mai Vireak.

Recently, in certain localities in Cambodia, network providers have made reports of cable theft impacting telecommunication networks. They report that in addition to property damage, such theft also undermines communication safety, affects service quality and the reputation of network providers among customers, and impacts national information security.

According to reports from Metfone, Smart, and Cellcard, the companies have been continuously facing issues related to telecommunication cables and equipment being cut and vandalised (including being stolen) in recent months, which has disrupted customer communications and diminished customer trust.

A press release from Metfone cites that preliminary statistics show 15 incidents of cable theft and equipment vandalism across the telecommunication and information technology networks of the three companies in just one month, disrupting services to thousands of subscribers. Moreover, the number and severity of these theft incidents are reportedly the rise. The localities where these incidents have occurred include Phnom Penh and Kandal.

Such incidents have led to significant monetary loss and the overall disruption of communications and other activities through the cables in many areas.

Image of cables found cut./Image supplied.

“Cable cutting significantly impacts our unit. A single cable contains many smaller fibers inside, and it takes a person a whole session to reconnect them. Additionally, we have to deploy a workforce to re-lay the cables, which is very time-consuming, while the public is affected by the service disruption," shared Vutha from the Phnom Penh Branch of GIS Company.

According to local regulations, the act of cutting telecommunication cables, as well as purchasing and consuming stolen telecommunication cables, is illegal and will be strictly dealt with. 

Besides the investigation and handling of this type of crime by the police force, the telecommunication companies in Cambodia call on the public to raise awareness about this issue, participate in protecting network infrastructures, and promptly report if they detect any acts of theft or vandalism of telecommunication cables. 

Such collaborative work will contribute to ensuring security, order, and uninterrupted safe communication, hand in hand with the relevant national authorities.

This press release was supplied.

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