MoEYS and UNESCO Launch Cambodian Strategic Plan for Teacher Education Reform 2024–2030

MoEYS and UNESCO Launch Cambodian Strategic Plan for Teacher Education Reform 2024–2030
Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sport (MoEYS) - National Education Congress 2025

The Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sport (MoEYS), in partnership with UNESCO, officially launched the Strategic Plan for Teacher Education Reform 2024–2030 at the National Education Congress held on 24 February 2025.

The event was presided over by H.E Dr. Hang Chuon Naron, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the MoEYS, and in his opening remarks, he emphasised the critical role of teacher development and teacher education reforms in transforming Cambodia’s education system, and highlighted the approval of the Strategic Plan as a key milestone in this process.

UNESCO said that this Strategic Plan will “serve as the blueprint for the priority reforms focused on teacher education and development in Cambodia.” and provides “quality pre-service teacher education programmes, qualification upgrading and continuous professional development (CPD) opportunities to build a high-quality teaching profession.”

Cambodian Strategic Plan for Teacher Education Reform 2024–2030

MoEYS and UNESCO say that the Strategic Plan will signal a shift from the current two-year teacher training system and outline new strategies to expand the Continuous Professional Development of teachers across the country. 

  • Under this new model, all new student teachers at primary and lower secondary levels in Cambodia will complete a four-year teacher training programme. 
  • Student teachers who already possess a Bachelor’s degree will complete a new one-year teacher education programme before formally entering the teaching profession. 
Photo Credit - UNESCO

These reforms will aim to raise the professional status of teachers and attract qualified and competent individuals, as part of MoEYS efforts to improve education quality in Cambodia, and elevate the teaching profession and invest in teachers as change drivers in education. 

The plan sets the foundation for achieving Cambodia’s long-term development vision and ensuring quality education for all and supports Teacher Education Institutions (TEIs) in becoming accredited providers of CPD, ensuring sustainable professional growth for teachers. 

Furthermore, it requires the establishment of Centers of Excellence (CoEs) to drive specialisation in teacher education, enhancing expertise in key areas to meet the evolving demands of Cambodia’s education system.

UNESCO Representative to Cambodia, Mr. Sardar Umar Alam said at the launch, “[This Strategic Plan] outlines concrete measures to create enabling conditions that empower and motivate teachers to deliver quality education, while supporting them throughout their career journeys.”

The Strategic Plan outlines four high-level strategic areas to realise the envisioned teacher education reform

  1. Professionalised pathways into the teaching profession,  
  2. Increasing the supply of well-trained teachers and teacher educators, 
  3. Strengthening the institutional capacity of teacher education institutions, and
  4. Advancing teacher education specialisation.

ICT A Core Component 

The Strategic Plan emphasises ICT in education and digital transformation, equipping teachers with the skills needed to integrate technology including Artificial Intelligence (AI) into teaching and learning effectively. At the National Education Congress, a Capacity Development Platform was also announced to support the regular professional development of teachers, lecturers, and education staff at both national and junior levels.

The Cambodia Digital School was also launched to provide virtual classrooms and interactive learning platforms.

UNESCO Funding Key to Developing Strategic Plan

The Strategic Plan for Teacher Education Reform 2024–2030 was developed with the support of UNESCO’s Strengthening Teacher Education Programmes in Cambodia (STEPCam) via a US $27.02 million initiative funded by the Global Partnership for Education (GPE). 

This roadmap provides a “structured approach to strengthening teacher education, ensuring a sufficient supply of well-trained teachers, and enhancing teaching excellence, research, and innovation.,” said UNESCO.

The plan prioritises equitable access to teacher education and CPD across Cambodia. Aligned with the Education Strategic Plan (ESP) 2024–2028 and the Teacher Policy Action Plan (TPAP) 2024–2030, it directly supports Cambodia’s Pentagonal Strategy – Phase 1, which positions human resource development as key to achieving upper-middle-income status by 2030 and high-income status by 2050.

STEPCam aims for teachers to be supported throughout the continuum of their careers – from pre-service education, through their induction as new teachers, and through regular, continuous opportunities for quality CPD and professional growth. 

Cambodian Education & Development News