Journey From The Heart: Metfone And The Cambodian Red Cross

Journey From The Heart: Metfone And The Cambodian Red Cross
Journey From The Heart: Metfone And The Cambodian Red Cross./Supplied Image.

On May 15, 2024 Metfone donated an additional USD $20,000 to the Cambodian Red Cross (CRC) branch in Koh Kong. This donation is made along with previous contributions of USD $100,000 donated to the CRC headquarters and USD $20,000 to the CRC's Siem Reap branch.

Metfone has raised its total contribution to the CRC to USD $140,000, on the occasion of the 161st anniversary of the International Red Cross.

A representative of Metfone expressed hope that this USD $140,000 will contribute a small part to the CRC's activities in 2024, thereby helping disadvantaged and less fortunate individuals across Cambodia.

Metfone has been making donations to the CRC since 2010, now marking 14 years, with a total donation amount of USD $3 million. In addition to cash donations, Metfone has also contributed volunteer efforts and donated various essential supplies for the CRC's activities across 25 provinces in Cambodia.

Journey from the Heart: Metfone and the Cambodian Red Cross./Supplied Image.
Journey From the Heart: Metfone and the Cambodian Red Cross./Supplied Image.

Metfone is a familiar name in charitable programs and social activities in Cambodia, spanning various fields such as healthcare, education, disaster relief, disease control, sports, and more.

By the end of 2023, after 15 years of operation, Metfone's total contributions to charity and social projects have reached USD $120 million. 

These contributions by Metfone are highly appreciated by the agencies and ministries of the Royal Government of Cambodia and are considered a model of a socially responsible enterprise.

This press release was supplied.

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