Electric Vehicles & Charging Stations Coming to Cambodia

Electric Vehicles & Charging Stations Cambodia

The Cambodian Ministry of Public Works and Transport (MPWT) is hoping to promote electric vehicles (EVs) in Phnom Penh and has again confirmed the installation of EV charging stations in 2022. 

Electric Vehicles & Charging Stations Coming to Cambodia The MPWT will be showcasing different electric vehicles and related technology in the capital for the first time. The showcase is due to take place on Saturday 26th March 2022, with manufacturers of EVs and motorcycles participating to display their products. No mention of where the showcase would be held or if it's open to the public by the article in the Khmer Times. 

In 2021, Sun Chanthol, Senior Minister, Minister of Public Works and Transport, said that the Cambodian transport sectors used over 50 per cent of total energy consumption in Cambodia in 2018. Using EVs is seen as a way to tackle the carbon emissions in the Kingdom. In November 2021, the government announced it was preparing a policy framework and support structure for electric vehicles (EV) to encourage their use in Cambodia.

Electric Charging Vehicle Station in Cambodia

Chanthol said of the new EV charging stations: "Petrol stations such as Caltex, Total and PTT have agreed to build EV charging stations at their petrol stations. So we hope to have at least 10 EV charging stations in Cambodia by the end of this year (2022)." 

It was announced earlier in the year that the UN Development Programme in Cambodia would be involved, and at the time Chhoun Voun, director-general of the ministry's General Department of Land Transport, said "UNDP Cambodia can help build only four EVs charging stations for now, of which one will be at the ministry headquarters and the others will be in Siem Reap, Battambang and Sihanouk provinces" reported Cambodianess in January 2022. 

The Minister added that charging stations will be built at the Ministry of Public Works in Phnom Penh and in the provinces of Battambang, Siem Reap and Preah Sihanouk. Furthermore, the MPWT will be working on ways to recycle and dispose of batteries from EVs. The Minister also previously said that the ministry is currently working with the Ministry of Economy and Finance to reduce the tax rate for electric vehicles by 50% and they were looking for investors in this space. 

The recently passed Investment Laws in Cambodia also featured Green investments. EnergyLab also works to connect and create a clean energy ecosystem through a range of programs, partnerships & events in Cambodia. 

Electric Tuk Tuks Cambodia
 ONiON T1 elctric Tuk Tuk in Cambodia

Electric Tuk Tuks Cambodia

In February 2022, the first few hundred electric three-wheeler tuk-tuks from ONiON T1 were delivered. These are assembled in the Kingdom by ONiON Mobility - which was established by Singapore-headquartered MVL. They operate blockchain-based ride-hailing service TADA in Cambodia and other SEA nations. The ONiON T1 costs $4,999 but running costs are estimated to be 20 per cent lower than those of an LPG-powered tuk-tuk. The battery offers a range of over 100km and can be replaced at a 24-hour swapping station. The company plans to roll out 3,000 passenger tuk tuks and 2,000 cargo tuk tuks in 2022. They also plan to develop products for the e-bike market.

Electric Bikes in Cambodia

A number of electric bike projects have been announced in recent years (pre-pandemic) in Cambodia such as that from Korea Energy Agency (KEA) and OYIKA. In 2021, FoodPanda signed a memorandum of understanding to promote e-bikes to its riders with e-bike manufacturer Oyika, which operates the Go2 bike rental service in the Cambodian capital. 

Electric Bikes in Cambodia
 Electric Bikes in Cambodia at an EnryLab event in Phnom Penh

Electric Vehicle Industry Forecasts

Cambodia is committed to increasing the use of electric cars and buses by 40 per cent and motorcycles by 70 per cent by 2050. Some reports suggest that by 2040, electric vehicles (EVs) will constitute 54% of global new car sales. According to a report from Allied Market Research, the global electric vehicle market was valued at $162.34 billion in 2019, and is projected to reach $802.81 billion by 2027, 2021 was a landmark year for EVs, with global electric plug-in sales increasing 108% from 3.24m in 2020 (~4.2% market share) to 6.75m in 2021 (8.3% market share).