CFOCN Proposes Underground Fibre Optic Cable Expansions In 9 Cambodian Provinces

CFOCN Proposes Underground Fibre Optic Cable Expansions In 9 Cambodian Provinces
CFOCN Proposes Underground Fibre Optic Cable Expansions In 9 Cambodian Provinces./Image source: Getty Images

Cambodia Fibre Optic Communication Networks Co., Ltd (CFOCN) has requested the Ministry of Public Works and Transport (MPWT) for approval to undertake a project involving the drilling and installation of new fibre optic cables across Cambodia's nine major provinces.

This request was discussed during a meeting chaired by Lim Sidenin, Secretary of State of the MPWT, on June 21, 2024, with the aim to expand the national high-speed internet infrastructure network to the least developed regions in the country.

CFOCN is a subsidiary of Shenzhen-based HyalRoute Group that launched in 2006. HyalRoute Group operates and invests in high-capacity optical fibre networks across Southeast Asia.

According to the UN Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States (UN-OHRLLS), CFOCN is one of the three licensed national fibre optic backbone networks in Cambodia, the other two being Viettel Cambodia and state-owned Telecom Cambodia.

The project proposal submitted by CFOCN involves the drilling and installation of underground fibre optic cables across Kandal, Kampot, Kampong Speu, Kampong Thom, Kep, Sihanoukville, Koh Kong, Takeo, and Svay Rieng provinces. 

CFOCN Fibre Optic Expansion Cambodia 2024

According to media reports, the recent meeting between the MPWT and CFOCN focused on reviewing the proposed project's technical plan, assessing its impact on local communities, and ensuring compliance with regulations regarding the design and installation of public facilities on pre-existing road infrastructure.

Representatives of the MPWT noted that feasibility studies conducted by CFOCN would ensure the orderly arrangement of underground equipment systems, as well as the cable system's long-term safety, efficiency, and sustainability.

Lim Sidenin was said to have also advised CFOCN, the respective nine provincial Departments of Public Works, along with all other relevant provincial units, to collaborate in information in order to expedite the project's completion. 

If officially approved and completed, Sidenin affirmed that he believes the project will help to enhance national connectivity across the nine chosen provinces.

This latest initiative from CFOCN follows the company’s installation of extensive fibre optic cable networks in urban centres and highly populated provinces in previous years, executed in collaboration with public institutions and other private telecom operators.

Fibre Optic Cable Projects In Cambodia

In 2019, through the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) initiative, CFOCN was granted its first loan of USD 75 million for a project aimed at improving Cambodia’s internet speed and quality. AIIB invested in approximately 2,000 km of metro and regional fibre optic backbone networks to provide wider coverage in major cities, suburbs and rural areas.

According to the bank, the project was implemented to support the Royal Government of Cambodia's (RGC) overarching Information and Communication Technology (ICT) plan, which aims to achieve 100 per cent broadband coverage in cities, and 70 per cent coverage in rural areas.

Funds for the initial network installation project were provided in stages, starting with USD 35 million in 2019, another USD 35 million in 2020, and another USD 5 million allotted for other expenses.

Cambodia is also expected to see the completion of its first state-owned submarine fibre optic cable in July 2025. The nearly 3,000 km submarine optical fibre cable will run from Hong Kong to Sihanoukville in southern Cambodia.

Largest Fibre Optic Cable Companies In Cambodia

Based on a report from the UN-OHRLLS:

  • The largest fibre optic cable network in Cambodia is owned by Viettel, with 17,200 km of fibre optic cables
  • CFOCN has 7,611 km of fibre optic cables, as of June 2016.
  • Telecom Cambodia also operates some fibre optic backbone network routes and had 1,600 km of fibre in June 2016. 

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