People & Skills in Cambodia

People & Skills in Cambodia

We take a look at the labour market in Cambodia and get some expert advice on how to recruit, induct and train staff, as well as how best to seek employment in the Kingdom, if you’re looking yourself.

A big reason for Cambodia’s economic growth, driven by garment exports and tourism, which saw Cambodia’s economy grow by an average of 7.7 percent between 1995 and 2018 (according to the World Bank) has been affordable labour.

However As Cambodia develops and rapidly transforms, it is transitioning from a low-skilled, labour-intensive growth model to a skills-driven one. The Cambodian government has also prioritized Industry 4.0, introduced increased minimum wages and is concentrating on diversifying its workforce. 

What should be taken into consideration when hiring Khmer staff?

  • Hiring takes time, patience and money.

  • The average Cambodian worker works 47 hours per week, the legal working hours is 8 hours per day, or 48 hours a week. Employees can work up to 6 days per week and must get at least one full day (24 hours) off per week, and this should normally be a Sunday. (Sundays are often a family day in Cambodia).

  • Blue-collar (garment, construction etc) and industrial workers work 48 hours per week in Cambodia before overtime payment applies.

  • Working hours do vary a lot though. Most office workers work around 40 hours per week, although if the office opens on Saturday morning then employees work closer to 45 hours per week. 

  • Cambodia is also home to one of the youngest work forces in the world with over 50 percent of the country under the age of 24.

  • In the majority of cases, employees might be required to carry out extensive training to ensure staff carry out their role to satisfactory standards. The standards across most industries are improving.

  • Taking into account the potential impact of any cultural divides and how they will be dealt with is also important.

  • Private training and capacity building specialists are available in Cambodia, providing much-needed coverage for the nation’s skills gap.

  • There has also been a shift in modernising working hours and conditions, such as flexible working hours, working from home etc, although it is not the norm.

  • Cambodia is embracing its own tech boom too, so digital nomads, freelancers or consultancy work in some fields has become more accepted.

Are there any common issues that arise when employing Cambodian staff?

  • Staff retention can be a big problem in Cambodia with employees often being poached or moving to different companies within short spaces of time often with very little more remuneration.

  • To avoid high staff turnover, offer ongoing training and incentives, yearly bonus structures, fairly relaxed schedules, regular capacity building training, career development, promotions and employee benefits, such as accident and health insurance, assistance in education for your staff’s children and profit-sharing.

  • It is essential to keep up with market salary rates, do a review every 6 months or so if you are in a ‘high-demand, low-supply’ sector.

  • Retaining your staff is possible only if your company is willing to provide necessary positive working conditions, fair remuneration and professional career development equally to your expat and local staff.

  • Cambodian culture is family-focused. You can treat your staff like a family – and their loyalty might increase. Building a culture where everybody contributes and cares for each other can help to get the best out of your employees.

  • Take time to understand your workers and their mindsets.

  • In Cambodia, students often don’t seem to be well prepared for the business world. Sometimes, they have not been trained in the soft skills that are tantamount to achieving smooth interrelationships, such as how to present oneself and one’s company advantageously, how to be self-confident, how to make and confirm appointments, or how to address an audience in a presentation.

  • Some unprepared Cambodian employees can come across as awkward and embarrassed in such situations that are all too common in business. Of course there are exceptions, and some hires are outgoing and extrovert. Take the time in your hiring process to understand a potential employee’s limitations and opportunities.

  • Some Western employers complain that there is frequently a gap in professionalism that can only be bridged by intensive training by the employers. 

  • Given that skilled employees are in high demand in Cambodia now and the pool is still relatively small (albeit growing), the cost of hiring these skilled employees is increasing.

  • Another option for employers is to look for young employees who have the right attitude, motivation and are fast learners. With this solid foundation, you can more easily grow your employees into valuable contributors.

What sort of salary do Cambodian staff command?

  • Gone are the days when foreigners can pay Cambodians, regardless of their skill-set, poor wages - and that is a good thing.

  • Increasingly you get what you pay for in Cambodia, the skill sets are improving, as is the education and opportunities.

  • Education, knowledge and training improve everyday. Yet, so do salary expectations.

  • A wider set of skills are passed on to Cambodia’s workforce via international companies and government initiatives. Online learning has also become more acceptable.

  • Staff with higher skill sets, or specialist skills, have increased job mobility, and often chase higher wages.

  • Induction into the ASEAN community offers new opportunities for Khmer workers across Asia – this means they will need to be convinced to stay in Cambodia.

What is the process for employing Cambodian staff?

  • All employers must comply with the comprehensive Cambodian Labour Law, which sets out employees’ rights and employers’ obligations.

  • Salaries are usually quoted as a gross amount with benefits, such as insurance, pensions and holidays becoming more important, although money is still seen as the main motivator.

  • Once terms and salary are agreed, a three-month probation period is standard practise, with terms being clearly stated in the contract.

  • There is also a great breakdown of laws, regulations and more about labour practises in Cambodia here.

What is the National Social Security Fund (NSSF) and how can it assist my business in Cambodia?

  • The NSSF was established in Cambodia in 2007 in order to administer the schemes of Social Security protection under the National Social Security Law, and it was fully functional as of 2008. The fund offers basic social security to all workers in the private sector.

  • The NSSF already provides workers with injury insurance, health insurance and it is currently working on creating a pension system.

  • All employers must register with NSSF.

  • Following a recent expansion of the scheme, employers will match a worker contribution of 1.3 percent of their salary.

  • Registration forms can be found online at

  • Before you can open a business and begin hiring you must notify the Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training (MoLVT) and provide a Declaration of the Opening of a Business.

  • The Labour Inspector must be notified within seven days of hiring or firing an employee.

Do I need to complete any official documents before I can hire staff in Cambodia?

  • Before you can open a business and begin hiring you must notify the Ministry of Labour & Vocational Training (MoLVT) and provide a Declaration of the Opening of a Business.

  • See the business startup section for more detailed information on this, and the legal and accounting section for information regarding work permits.

  • The Labour Inspector must be notified within seven days of hiring or firing an employee.

Do I have to organise Cambodian work permits for my staff?

  • The obligation is on the employer to register employees, assist in arranging work permits and even withhold and pay their own income taxes in Cambodia.

  • The same is true for contracts with freelancers or consultants.

  • See the legal and accounting section for full information on how to obtain work permits for Khmer and foreign staff.

What are the guidelines for hiring foreigners?

  • Under the 1997 Labour Law (as amended) and the 1994 Immigration Law, foreigners who wish to work in Cambodia are required to have a valid E visa issued by the Cambodian embassy, consulate or immigration authorities at the port of entry.

  • Employees must have a work permit and an employment card issued by the Cambodian Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training.

  • The process demands that business owners first must register their company.

  • When registering a business in Cambodia, the Company must make a “Declaration of Opening a Business”. In 2020 there are online portals to register a business in Cambodia.

  • A Company in Cambodia must register its entire staff with the DOL (Department of Labor). Don’t forget, this includes both foreign and Khmer staff.

  • If the Company wishes to use foreigners as employees, the Company must request a permit for employment of foreign labour (Quota).

  • This is done by both a Request Form and a Request Table, for use of foreign workforce.

  • If the rate of foreign labour exceeds 10 percent of the total employees, a request letter must be sent which thoroughly and clearly explains the positions in excess of the quota and the specialty and professional skills of each of these foreign workers.  A penalty payment normally applies for each worker in excess of the quota.

  • Foreigners are issued a Foreign Work Permit and Foreign Employment card.

  • Although by law the Company is required to make a declaration in writing each time an employee is hired or dismissed, in practice the Company should register new employees as they are hired and provide the workbook and card to departing employees.

  • Labour Inspectors routinely update the company’s labour records for incoming and outgoing employees when the company is audited.

  • Once the company and staff are registered, workbooks will be issued for all staff. After registration, however, the Department of Labour can request staff status updates.

  • As part of this process, the DOL ask for extensive details about employees listed for a company, including foreigner quotas, and expect this information to be updated every time the employees of a business change.

  • This may be a somewhat expensive process, especially if you employ a large number of staff at your company, and if your registration is long overdue.

  • While this was once an unenforced law, Government inspectors have now begun foreign labour inspection at workplaces in order to fully enforce the law, including a comprehensive review of the declaration of personnel and its updates, quota approval for foreign labour usage, employment contracts for foreigners, employment cards and work permits, valid passports, valid visas of the appropriate type, and foreign workers themselves.

  • In August 2017, police officials at the Department of Immigration confirmed that it would become compulsory for all foreigners to obtain an official work permit/employment card to be eligible to apply for a long-term extension to their E visa.

  • Non-compliance can lead to a fine and/or imprisonment. In order to get a business visa now, one also needs to be able to show a valid work permit.

Recruitment Top Tips

Here’s a few things to remember when recruiting in Cambodia.

Snap up the right staff

  • Employing the right staff at the start can pay off in the long run.

  • Recruitment is mostly carried out through the traditional ways of advertising in newspapers, on job boards (online too) and through recruitment agencies. Facebook and social media remain very popular and LinkedIn is on the rise in Cambodia.

  • In Cambodia, word-of-mouth also remains a popular way to get a job.

  • Employees will often be recruited through recommendations, friends or relatives of current employees or even through social network avenues.

  • Recruiting the ‘old-school’ way (by asking employees to recommend people) has a big downside. You will discover that the people the first employee recommends have close personal relationships to them – and their loyalty will be to them, not to your company. This works fine when things are going well but when there are problems it can magnify them and it is most likely that the staff will bring personal issues into the company.

  • As Cambodia progresses, more progressive hiring and work life balances are being addressed by certain employers. Find the right people to fit your culture and goals.

Keep employees interested and engaged - increase staff retention

  • With staff retention remaining the most common problem in Cambodia, keeping employees on board with your business is vital.

  • This can be achieved through several avenues, depending on your business and workforce.

  • Options include incentive schemes, rewards, regular work and achievements assessments and team building, on the job training and more.

  • Like anywhere else you will find that engaged staff stay and you have high turnover of ‘non-engaged’ staff. Try to ensure that your engagement strategies apply to all levels of staff, not just to the seniors.

  • Staff engagement strategies that you have used in other countries can be adapted to Cambodia – bringing culture into account.

  • Money has historically been the root of staff retention issues in Cambodia, leaving business owners surprised to discover staff moving jobs for relatively small pay increases.

  • This is becoming less common in professional roles in Cambodia as candidates realise that job-hopping doesn’t always look good on their CVs.

  • In cases where staff choose to leave a company in an effort to save face or avoid a potentially awkward confrontation with a manager or other staff member, they may not give a true reason for leaving, perhaps claiming a family member is sick.

  • It is vital to find out what the applicants’ real expectations and ambitions are, and what kind of job they truly want to do.

  • By assigning jobs based on the relative skills and desires of a worthy applicant, retention rates will improve.

Think outside the box

  • Think outside the box when trying to fill particular skill set gaps.

  • The lack of specific skills in certain areas should not deter potential businesses, the workforce (local and foreign) is constantly evolving.

  • Any recruitment issues can be minimised by forward planning.

  • For example, consider approaching universities and specify what you seek in a suitable graduate or offer intern programs that are beneficial to the business and graduate.

  • That way, skills can be learnt before potential hires are taken on by your business.

  • Don’t give up on finding the right person with the right skills easily.

  • Cambodians are striving to learn so it’s important to take a proactive approach and search for those who have the potential to attain the skills you need and grow with your business.

Stay Culturally Sensitive

  • Cultural awareness is very important in Cambodia.

  • It is important to remember you are a guest in someone else’s country and behave accordingly. There are some undoubtedly going to be frustrations you will deal with but try to learn from these.

  • The out-of-touch foreign manager versus the disgruntled local employee is an all too familiar tale in the Cambodian labour market.

  • However, if you take the time to learn a little about Khmer culture, it will go a very long way in helping you and your business. 

  • Khmers generally have a strong family unit, respect for their elders, and tend to avoid conflict when possible, preferring to ‘save face’.

  • “Face”, in this context, refers to a sociological concept that describes the lengths an individual may go to in order to preserve their position in society or the workplace. This can often be the biggest obstacle for foreign (Western) workers and business and might often be the cause of underlying issues with Cambodian staff.

  • When one is “saving face”, they are taking action to ensure their peers will not think less of them.

  • This cultural trait needs to be properly understood and addressed with respect.

  • It needs to be understood whilst doing business not only in Cambodia, but also across Asia.

  • For instance, the famous “Cambodian smile” may not always mean they’re happy to hear bad news.

  • The smile can act as a screen, hiding embarrassment or annoyance when hearing negative news.

  • Foreigners should pay attention not to become emotional, not to raise their voices or shout at their Khmer employees, both publicly and privately.

  • Pointing to a mistake is making a person lose face. This damage is irreparable. Any criticism should be done, if possible, indirectly and at all times privately.

  • But, for a westerner not aware of this cultural trait, future reactions down the line can come as a shock.

  • Khmer culture, which is highly hierarchical, often doesn’t reward expressing critical views toward a superior.

  • Cambodians hate sending negative feedback so no feedback is better than bringing bad news to the boss. Foreigners must not assume that no negative feedback means no problem. Cambodians tend to expect the bosses to discover any issue for themselves. 

  • Cambodians also have a collectivist mentality, which makes standing out something to be avoided.

  • Cambodians don’t generally respond well to ultimatums or direct demands.

  • Khmer people belong to a high-context culture where the way things are said is sometimes more important that what is actually being said. Cambodians like to communicate indirectly and hate confrontation.

  • As a result, to be effective communicators foreigners should be tactful and indirect. They should avoid closed and aggressive questions.

  • Cambodians are perceived by foreigners as lacking assertiveness and self-confidence. They do feel embarrassed when speaking English, which is quite understandable. But also, Cambodians don’t like to “sell” themselves and are culturally rather modest and low-key.

  • Cambodians may need convincing. This will foster the most motivation and lead to the best result.

  • The “time is money” concept so prevalent in the West is foreign to many Cambodians, whose Buddhist tradition of reincarnation takes a very long view of things.

  • In the professional workplace the importance of meeting deadlines and arriving on time for a meeting must often be taught.

  • Khmer women are often less likely to take on the leadership roles and have a harder time to assert their decisions with their male colleagues or/and expats. Although this is being addressed and the ‘norms’ are thankfully changing.

  • Consistent empowerment and equal opportunity practices in the workplace, such as career development, leadership coaching and capacity building for women leaders, among others help with this transformation.

  • For instance, Cambodian sales people will seldom try to sell their product to someone immediately. In Khmer sales culture, a personal relationship must be developed between two parties before sales are even discussed.

  • Most Khmer sales people will refuse to work purely on commission.

  • Again a lot of these cultural traits are also evolving with the increased number of international businesses operating in the Kingdom, exposure to ‘other ways’ of working, self-development and professional training etc.

Recruitment and Retention

Recruitment agencies can save you time and effort in Cambodia. Here’s a guide on how to make the most out using recruitment agency services in Cambodia and some common hiring practices.

What do recruitment agencies do in Cambodia?

  • Recruitment agencies can save you time and effort by screening initial job applicants and developing a short-list of qualified candidates for you to interview.

  • They usually charge a percentage of the applicant’s salary, typically around six weeks’ of post-probation salary. 

  • It's best to have a good relationship with the agency so they understand your company’s goals, work environment and expectations.

  • Recruitment agencies are skilled at identifying unverifiable or bogus information on CVs.

  • Agencies should have a good database of qualified applicants and can do the legwork of sourcing candidates as well as checking references.

How much do recruitment agencies cost in Cambodia?

  • Recruitment agencies  in Cambodia usually charge a percentage of the applicant’s salary, typically in the region of six weeks’ post-probation salary.

What are some conventional approaches to recruitment and hiring in Cambodia?

  • There are a number of online recruitment websites and classified ads sites, such as BongThom. The sites include job boards, while Facebook and LinkedIn are common methods to post jobs too.

  • Cambodian companies adopt a mix of traditional approaches to finding staff, such as placing signs outside their premises, and embracing social media and online job portals.

  • Newspaper advertisements (print and online) are favoured for some positions as well as tenders for government contracts, which can be found in both the English and Khmer language dailies.

What are some innovative approaches to recruitment and hiring in Cambodia?

  • Less conventional approaches to large-scale recruitment can also reap rewards.

  • Radio and TV advertising can be effective at reaching large numbers of potential workers. Sometimes advertisements are posted for large scale walk-in interviews for larger companies.

  • Many employers make arrangements with universities to hold job fairs and recruitment drives.

  • Direct approaches, like passing out flyers at traffic lights or in restaurants near similar businesses, are also cost effective.

  • Often the best way to find the perfect employee is by hitting the business networks and events as well as word-of-mouth.

  • Staff referrals are another good way to find trustworthy new staff inside your current employees’ networks of friends and family.

  • Beware of taking job seekers’ credentials at face value as many cover letters, CVs (Résumés) and certificates may be inaccurate, inflated or inconsistent.

  • Creating a simple questionnaire for initial applicants or some basic pre interview tests or questions can be used too.

Skills Top Tips in Cambodia

Skills are something expats talk about a lot in Cambodia. Here’s some gems from those conversations put together in one place, meaning you can benefit from various advice before you set out to find superstar employees for your business.

Hidden Skills

  • A common concern from businesses operating in Cambodia is in the difficulty of finding reliable and competent staff to fill managerial or specific skill-set positions.

  • Cambodians, especially among the younger generation, are being equipped with more skills but it can still be a challenge to find the right people for your place of work.

  • As soon as you start looking for technical jobs, it can be more difficult to find the appropriately skilled local staff but this has, and continues to improve, all the time.

  • For the right competencies in Cambodia you may need to pay higher salaries, especially for technical jobs and those requiring high-level skills.

  • The strengths that lie with the Cambodian market are the volume of people readily available to work and the fast pace of development.

  • The broadness of business degrees, for example, creates skills gaps when it comes to specialisation - This makes it harder for employers to determine where a person’s strengths lie.

  • Education in Cambodia is becoming more specified and more targeted skills are being developed in a range of industries such as property, technology, sales, arts and culture.

Train, train and train some more

  • Something you have to be prepared for coming into Cambodia is that you are going to have to be prepared to spend time and money on training and development.

  • Ensure your business has a good orientation and onboarding process set up to help people coming into the company with both the practical side of doing the job and also adaptation into your workplace culture.

  • And this doesn’t just relate to entry level employees: There’s often a gap between where the mid-level people or line managers are at compared to the senior leadership of the organisation.

  • It’s important to create leadership experiences for staff over a period of time which will help them to build some of those higher level competencies like complex problem-solving, long-range thinking, strategic thinking, and working across cross-functional teams, which will build their capabilities for taking on more senior leadership roles.

  • Focus on quality of character when hiring.

  • The personality and the adaptability of the person will indicate whether they can be further trained to fit the position and the ethos of the business.

Typical Pay Grades in Cambodia

Salary negotiations are tricky at the best of times and in Cambodia can be even more so.

Here are some answers to a few issues you might run into when discussing salaries in Cambodia.

What’s a reasonable pay rate in Cambodia?

  • It’s in a company’s best interest to do research around compensation to ensure employers don’t lose employees by paying too low, or lose their competitive advantage by setting pay rates too high.

  • For expats who are brought in for a specific need, compensation packages are generally set according to the standards of their country of origin, in many cases including additional benefits such as flights back home once a year (this is becoming less common).

  • For expats hired on local contracts, and, while they usually earn more than their Cambodians counterparts, their compensation is set after negotiations with the employer.

  • Cambodians make up the third group of employees and can range in skills, roles and pay packages.

  • In the past, and still to some extent today, salaries for locals were often set by asking around and finding out what other people are paying.

  • As Cambodian expectations change and the market develops, offering competitive compensation is growing ever more important to keep employees motivated and loyal.

  • Cambodian senior managers are now making more salary than locally recruited foreigners. Basically they have a track record of success, they can function in 2 or more languages and there are no cultural issues when they come to managing their teams.

  • There are of course many wealthy and well paid Cambodian CEOs and those who operate at a board level who will be on good salaries and packages.

What types of compensation packages exist in Cambodia?

  • Cambodian salaries have typically been low because of the country’s history and reliance on certain sectors (garment, agriculture, tourism and F&B), but they are moving fast.

  • Compensation packages are generally set according to the standards of their country of origin, in many cases including additional benefits such as flights back home once a year.

  • There are discrepancies between Expat and Cambodian packages, and the term expats apply to other Asian countries too not just Western hires.

  • But as Cambodian expectations change and the market develops, proper compensation is growing ever more important to keep employees motivated and loyal.

  • And as the country’s talented pool of skilled workers continues to grow, the gap between expat and local salaries taking up these positions has closed.

  • One of the benefits of using a recruitment agency is that they will supply you with information about current salary rates in your sector and for each function. 

Is there a living minimum wage in Cambodia?

  • The Cambodian National Council for Minimum Wage is comprised of 51 members, including 17 each from the government, the garment manufacturers, and the trade unions. They negotiated a basic minimum wage in Cambodia for most industries in 2020 of 190 U.S Dollars.  

  • While a minimum wage is welcomed by most people, providing a fair playing field and improving standards, fears have been raised over how it will be introduced and the effects it may have on smaller businesses.

  • Quite often employers will also pay a bonus to Khmer workers before major holidays like Pchum Ben or Khmer New Year.

Should I try outsourcing in Cambodia?

  • Outsourcing is a small but growing component of Cambodia’s HR market.

  • It is particularly suitable for manufacturing staff and sales forces because companies can be provided with short-term workers, contract workers or full time employees and have the selection, HR and payroll organised by an outsourcing agency.

  • There has also been a rise in call centre work in Cambodia.

Training in Cambodia

Training courses in Cambodia are varied and range in scope from improving skills in IT to management techniques, communication skills, customer care, administration, sales and more.

Here is some extra information on the training available for you and your staff in Cambodia.

Is training expensive in Cambodia?

  • The costs and quality of training varies so decide what outcomes you need.

  • Some firms, such as the Capacity Specialists, will tailor a course to meet specific requirements, starting by understanding the strategic needs of the business, then conducting a skills analysis before devising a suitable package with specific learning outcomes and evaluations.

What types of training companies are available in Cambodia?

  • For businesses needing specific skill-training in Cambodia that are currently scarce in the market, on-the-job training is an option.

  • Private training and capacity building specialists are increasingly available in Cambodia, and the quality is rising too as well as the range of skills being addressed.

  • The NGO sector also offers a variety of opportunities for upskilling your labour force, such as vocational schools, hospitalities training and some IT skills centres.

  • See the NGO section for more information about this.

  • Training courses are varied and range in scope from improving skills in IT to management techniques, communication skills, customer care, administration, sales and more.

  • “Soft skills” are proving increasingly popular, such as business communication, sales approaches and interpersonal relationships.

  • As the Cambodian business landscape is still developing, many local staff lack experience and abilities that might be taken for granted in more developed markets.

  • Team building and professional development sessions can also be arranged in Cambodia, to break down barriers in the workplace and strengthen the company’s team cohesion.

Is capacity building straightforward in Cambodia?

  • A common complaint voiced by business owners in Cambodia is how hard it can be to find qualified, motivated staff.

  • Despite the fact that the country is a potential human resources gold mine, thanks to its young population and growing numbers attending universities and vocational schools, many job-seekers entering the job market are still lacking important business skills compared to the region.

  • “Soft skills” such as business communication, sales approaches and interpersonal relationships are often lacking.

  • As expectations of customers and organisations change, employers would be well advised to make sure staff members are on boarded and invested in.

  • Some issues include poor customer service, professional answering of emails and returning phone calls promptly, but these are all skills that can easily be taught.

How can I assess the skills of potential employees in Cambodia?

  • For expats, in a foreign country things do not always run smoothly and expats can run into trouble when they lose their job, work runs dry, or they want a change in career or their business goes bust.

  • Skills assessments can provide both individuals and companies with the means to improve their capabilities and overcome these hurdles.

  • Unemployed individuals can talk to a consultant, who can help to steer them in the right career direction and question what they can achieve, where they should go, maintaining a healthy balance between personal and work needs.

  • Another form of skills assessment involves assessing the skills of the team as a whole and individually, and how they work together through a series of individual and team sessions.

  • This is also beneficial in promoting communication and breaking down barriers.

  • Intern programmes are a useful way to find diamonds in the rough, and test capacity before offering an employment contract.

Looking for Work in Cambodia

If you are looking for a job, Cambodia presents plenty of unique opportunities, however the landscape is changing and job skills sets and sectors are also trending as the whole nation develops.

What sort of work is available for foreigners in Cambodia?

  • Cambodia has many jobs on offer for foreigners, though menial jobs such as bartending and truck driving are unlikely to pay adequately to support a foreigner’s needs.

  • Recruitment agencies will be able to advise you on your options in the private sector and suggest new applications for your skills, as well as line up interviews with potential employers.

  • NGOs often recruit via their head office abroad or from within the existing pool of experienced workers already in Cambodia. Attending networking events and scouring social media sites is another good option.

  • Word of mouth is still important and utilising online professional networks is worthwhile. Companies in Cambodia looking for international talent will use LinkedIn and their online job postings.

How will my salary in Cambodia compare to my home country?

  • The majority of expatriates haven’t arrived in Cambodia to get rich, but it is possible to have a comfortable lifestyle than in other countries due to the relatively low cost of living in Cambodia. 

  • You may find you need to revise your expectations of salary, unless you’re fortunate enough to have been brought here by an international company on an “expat package”.

  • The simple fact is that because the vast majority of foreigners cannot communicate adequately in Khmer, they cannot be considered for roles requiring them to speak the language, even if they have the skills and experience required.

  • Employers would almost always rather hire a Cambodian who has market knowledge and speaks both Khmer and English.

  • Teachers make up the majority of western expat workers in Cambodia and on the low end will earn $1000 a month, with qualified professional teachers earning high salaries.

  • Corporate Directors, and expats with skill sets in certain industries like construction and development, technologies, telecommunications or in the casinos can still earn very competitive salaries.

  • There is also a growth in entrepreneurs, freelancers, and startups.

Are recruitment agencies useful for expats seeking work in Cambodia?

  • Recruitment agencies will be able to advise you on your options in the private sector and suggest new applications for your skills, as well as line up interviews with potential employers.

  • NGOs often recruit via their head office abroad or from within the existing pool of experienced workers already in Cambodia. Attending networking events and scouring social media sites is another good option.

Can I work freelance in Cambodia?

  • Many businesses will at times have a short-term requirement for a specialist skill, be it photography, copywriting, IT or research.

  • In these cases using a freelancer or consultant may be the best option.

  • Such people are easy to find if you ask around, but make sure you’re clear on exactly what you want and when you want it.

  • A well thought-out brief, including the work to be provided and a reasonable timeframe, will help you to receive suitable proposals.

  • Advertise your contract through online forums, ask around your networks or put an ad in the paper.

  • Don’t wait too long to make a decision – freelancers get frustrated when a contract hasn’t been awarded by the time the project was supposed to be delivered.

  • Be sure that issues such as payment, delivery times and termination are agreed before work starts.

  • Freelancers must obtain a work permit to work legally in Cambodia. You can apply online (