Education in Cambodia

Education in Cambodia

If you plan on bringing children with you to Cambodia as a foreigner, or plan to raise children in the Kingdom, it’s essential to know and understand what the education in Cambodia is like and what your options are.

Phnom Penh, for example, has numerous schools offering international standards of education for children of all ages. The industry is competitive and growing, and outside of Phnom Penh, international schools have also been set up in some major cities such as Siem Reap, Sihanoukville, and Kampot.

There are also a number of educational institutions that offer extracurricular options, ranging from languages, art and photography, to creative writing, dance and Digital IT skills. These may even include internationally-accredited online courses and degrees.

We have assess the various choices of education available in Cambodia, and provide advice on what may be best for you and your family’s needs.

What Type of Schooling Is Available In Cambodia?

Education in Cambodia is governed by the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports (MoEYS) at the national level, and the Department of Education at the provincial level. The Cambodian education system consists of pre-school, primary, secondary, high school, higher education, and non-formal education.

Cambodia has made great progress in educating its children, with the number of children enrolled in preschool programs more than doubling since 2007, and the number enrolled in primary education increasing from 82% in 1997 to over 97% in 2017. 

However, there is a feeling there is still a considerable way to go to catch up to the standards prevailing before the disastrous genocide inflicted by the Khmer Rouge decades ago and the impact it had.

In Cambodia, there are various types of schools available which can be broken down into these main types:

  • Public Schools: Public schools are funded and managed by the Cambodian government. They offer education at primary, secondary, and tertiary levels. Public schools often follow the national curriculum and provide education to a large number of students. 

  • Private Schools: Private schools are privately owned and funded. These schools offer education at various levels, from primary to tertiary levels. Private schools may follow different curricula, including national or international frameworks. They charge tuition fees and provide alternative educational options.

  • International Schools: Cambodia has a growing number of international schools that cater to expatriate communities and Cambodian students seeking an international education. These schools follow international curricula, such as the International Baccalaureate (IB), Cambridge International Examinations, or Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC).

  • Community Schools: Community schools are often established in rural areas or disadvantaged communities. They aim to provide basic education to children who may not have access to formal schooling. These schools may be supported by NGOs (non-governmental organisations) or local organisations.

  • Buddhist Temples and Monastic Schools: Buddhist temples and monastic schools play a significant role in Cambodia's education system. They provide religious and general education to young monks and sometimes offer education to lay students as well.

What Is The Quality of Government Education in Cambodia?

In 2014, the education system in Cambodia underwent a major reform, particularly in the Baccalaureate Exams, resulting in an improvement in students' overall quality. 

Additionally, MoEYS launched the successful New Generation School (NGS) as a model to enhance the state education system in the country by focusing on high standards of governance and professionalism, and integration of STEM subjects.

In Cambodia's public schools, despite improvements, there is a significant disparity in the curriculum and teaching standards within the education sector. The average compensation for Cambodian teachers in public high schools remains insufficient so many teachers at public schools rely on their private supplementary classes or do their extra teaching at private schools. 

Accusations of a lack of accountability in the Cambodian state education system has hampered its improvement - in the past allegations of endemic cheating and corruption damaged the reputation and value of Cambodian qualifications. 

While regular exams within classes still face these challenges, the National Baccalaureate Exam is considered the most transparent and reliable assessment within the state education system.

Nevertheless, recent and ongoing reforms from the Ministry of Education, combined with real compliance measures, are addressing these structural issues one by one and demonstrating measurable success and a change in the ethos toward education in Cambodia. 

  • The "Third Education Strategic Plan 2019-2023" focuses on improving the quality of education, ensuring equitable access to education, and enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of the education system in Cambodia.

  • The Cambodian government now also offers tax relief for the higher education institutions up until 2029.

What Are the Teaching Standards Like in Cambodia 

Teaching standards vary wildly, with some schools accepting foreign backpackers with no qualifications other than being able to speak English natively. 

Sometimes teachers will have TEFL or TESOL certifications but the majority of schools are tightening up the qualifications their teachers must hold.

It pays to enquire about the standard of teachers’ qualifications at a school and for background checks to be carried out on support staff. Schools should also be assessed by authorised bodies to ensure they meet international standards.

However, highly qualified and professional teachers are the greatest indication that a school provides a high-quality academic environment. The top international schools are able to recruit from a large pool of some of the best teachers in the world and some Cambodian international schools scour the globe for their teachers, attending international career fairs to select the cream of the crop. Some do not.

What International Schools Are Popular Amongst Foreigners in Cambodia?

World-class school education used to be rare to find in Cambodia post civil war which ended in the 1970s and the transformation under UNTAC in the 1990s,  but as the country has stabilised and developed, more foreign workers relocated to the Kingdom and the standard of living has improved, so the quality of education available has also improved.

Cambodia has thousands of schools operating with varying fees and standards, offering bilingual or trilingual instruction in languages such as Khmer, English, French, and Chinese. 

A report by ISC Research in early 2020 suggested the international school market in Cambodia represents around 7.2% of the South East Asian total, with 147 English-medium schools that cater to around 40,000 students.

According to the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, between the academic year 2018 to 2019, 218,357 students were enrolled in 1,222 private schools nationwide, ranging from preschool to grade 12.

Most expat parents in Cambodia place their children in one of the many international schools found in Phnom Penh, such as Northbridge International School, iCAN British International, the International School of Phnom Penh (ISPP), Australian International School of Phnom Penh (AISPP) and Lycée Français René Descartes de Phnom Penh for French speakers. However, there are many more  and the list of international schools keeps growing. 

There are several schools listed on the International School Database

What Are the Advantages of Sending Children To An International School?

International schools offer a multicultural learning environment and some international schools boast many different nationalities of students, allowing different cultures to interact and learn from each other.

This produces students who have a better understanding of international demographics, contrasts in culture and an international network of friends. Yet sometimes you can have too much of a good thing. 

There are also the benefits (although these come at a price) of international trips, more varied sports and cultural events and classes, more exposure to the latest technologies etc.

Be careful and do your research though: not all schools purporting to be international are of that standard. Public schooling in Cambodia is not available for expatriate students and wealthier Cambodian families will also seek to educate their children in an international school. Only a handful of the international schools have sporting grounds on-site and these also tend to be the most expensive schools to attend.

  1. Have an  initial look at a school’s website as it will give an idea of the facilities, curriculum and approach to education.

  2. Contact the school and ask for a tour, this will give you a chance to see the school grounds, it is especially important to meet the people who manage the school on a daily basis.

  3. You can also ask in one of the many expat groups on Facebook, but you should be thick-skinned in reading the responses and reactions. Teachers and support staff play a critical role and should be assessed before any decision is made.

How Much Do International Schools in Cambodia Cost?

A study released by the International Schools Database (ISB) in 2022 suggested that international school fees are the cheapest in Cambodia's capital city, Phnom Penh, among major cities in Asia. 

According to a report from the International Schools Database in early 2023, Phnom Penh offers the lowest international school fees in Asia - charging anywhere from USD $2,400 up to USD $20,340 per year. 

Will My Child Need To Sit Entry Exams - Cambodian International Schools?

Most international schools require non-native English speaking children to take an English proficiency exam as all classes are taught in English. Most schools will offer support to those who need to brush up on their language skills through a specialist department. These schools may use a form of testing to determine a child’s level of education and parents may be asked for their child’s educational history, previous report cards and a confidential reference from a former teacher as part of the admission.

What Extracurricular School Activities Are Offered?

The majority of international schools offer additional classes on top of core subjects. These include physical education (swimming, basketball, football, volleyball etc), art, music, media, theatre, robotics and many more. 

Extra-curricular activities can also include multiple language courses,photography, and utilising new technologies. The  international schools are able to offer students the opportunity to participate in many global events such as sporting tournaments, arts exchanges, global orchestras and ensembles, and a variety of international trips.

Tertiary Education In Cambodia

In terms of tertiary education, Cambodia provides a range of options, including vocational education, associate degrees, and bachelor's degrees. 

Master and PhD degrees are also available, however the qualifications may not always be highly regarded internationally. Former Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen even questioned the abundance of PhD holders in the country and asked the Royal Academy to consider whether it is up to international standards. 

  • Students who pass the Cambodian national baccalaureate exam can enrol in associate degree programs or four-year bachelor's degree programs. 

  • Students from international schools may have the option to take the national baccalaureate exam prepared by the Ministry of Education, or they can take the International Baccalaureate (IB) exam instead. 

For higher education, in Phnom Penh, there is an increasing number of both state and private universities which have been opening, and the quality is also improving. Each province may have their own universities, institutes, or vocational schools; however, the quality of education does vary.

What Are The Main Universities In Cambodia? 

Universities in Cambodia that offer English-language instruction play a crucial role in expanding students' knowledge and fostering intercultural understanding, regardless of whether they are privately or independently run. With the increasing utilisation of technology and the internet, these universities are at the forefront of providing students with a broader educational experience.

Phnom Penh, for example,  is becoming home to various internationally-accredited institutions, which offer undergraduate and postgraduate degrees, diplomas and short courses in a range of subjects. In the Cambodian capital, the long-standing universities include the Royal University of Phnom Penh, the Royal University of Law and Economics, the Royal University of Agriculture, the National University of Management, the University of Health Sciences, and the Institute of Technology of Cambodia (Techno), which cater to the majority of Cambodian students.

Other private universities with English instruction are also becoming more internationally recognised through its expanded cooperation. 

A range of operational universities in Cambodia that provide English-based instruction are:

  • American University of Phnom Penh (AUPP)

  • Paragon International University (catered also international students)

  • CamEd Business School 

  • Cambodia Academy of Digital Technology

  • CamTech University

  • De Montfort University - In 2023, the London-based university opened its new campus in Cambodia.

  • Pannasastra University of Cambodia

  • University of Cambodia (UC)

  • University of Puthisastra (listed on Times Higher Education)

  • Limkokwing University of Creative Technology (from Malaysia)

  • East Asia Management University (from Singapore)

  • National University of Management 

    • Faculty of Digital Economy

    • NUM International College

  • Royal University of Law and Economics

    • International Dual Degree Programs (English & French)

  • Royal University of Phnom Penh 

    • Department of Media and Communication

    • Institute of International Studies and Public Policy (IISPP)

  • Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC)

Other high quality state institutions, such as the Institute of Technology of Cambodia and the University of Health Sciences, teach in a combination of three languages: English, French, and Khmer.

Outside of the capital, in the northwestern province, the National University of Battambang and MeanChey University have received significant funding from international development agencies to improve their qualifications.

Opportunities To Study Overseas

An increasing number of students in Cambodia are being afforded the opportunity to study abroad;

  • Within ASEAN countries or other nations in Asia such as Japan, China, South Korea

  • In Western countries, through scholarships or self-funded means.

What Language Schools Are Available in Cambodia?

There are many institutions offering language classes for learners of any age in Cambodia especially in Phnom Penh which has a multitude of courses in Khmer, French, English, Chinese and Japanese, among many others.

  • Australian Center for Education (ACE) is well known for providing quality English education and offering part-time classes for Cambodian students as well as expats.

  • Institut Français du Cambodge (IFC) offers French classes.

  • For Japanese classes, the Cambodia-Japan Cooperation Center (CJCC).

  • The Cambodia-Korea Cooperation Center (CKCC) offers Korean language classes.

  • German can be studied at GOETHE Institute in Phnom Penh.

Some Cambodian universities (Institute of Foreign Language (IFL) of RUPP) offer language courses part-time or as bachelor’s degree for Korean, French, Japanese, Chinese, Thai, etc 

Impacts Of The Pandemic - Distance Learning and E-Learning Programmes

Distance Learning and E-Learning programmes for students were implemented during the COVID-19 outbreak in 2020 and the progress made in the pandemic are still being adopted by certain universities and for some communities; where classes are a mix of physical and online lessons.

Amid the pandemic, the government, private sector, and NGOs were continuously exploring education apps and web tools to enhance nationwide accessibility to education. 

Additionally, in the post-pandemic era, many technological innovations are still being utilised, and Artificial Intelligence tools, such as ChatGPT, have gained momentum among higher education students (although the use of these remains under debate).

In October 2023, the Minister of Education, Youth and Sport, Hang Chuon Naron, issued a directive barring students from using phones or electronic devices in classrooms or during study hours without the permission of teachers even though the MoEYS “acknowledged the importance of the internet and digital content for serving teaching, learning and research needs.”

Sala Digital is a digital learning platform established by the MoEYS and launched at the end of 2023:

  • The platform was set up to support the Khmer language and provide easier access to students in the provinces and rural areas to study.

  • It also aids teachers in creating and sharing knowledge to students more easily.

EdTech In Cambodia

There have been efforts to increase EdTech in the Kingdom, and some public-private partnerships exist in fostering more tailored content but access is a key challenge.

The report entitled “Cambodia Digital Education Landscape Scan” was released in March 2023 and outlined that EdTech faces challenges as the infrastructure and qualifications to provide support to users inCambodian public schools are limited.

  • 17 per cent of upper secondary schools and 5 per cent of lower secondary schools have computer labs, according to MoEYS (2019). 

  • 40% of upper secondary schools have internet connectivity; but mostly the internet is only used for administrative purposes in the school administration office.

  • There is a need to consolidate, integrate and enhance MoEYS digital learning systems as well as improve processes for streamlined coordination towards fostering shared ownership of digital platforms and tools.

What Holidays Do Children Get in Schools in Cambodia?

Holidays and term-times vary from school to school in Cambodia and there are many public holidays in the country each year.

Most schools close for the traditional and important cultural Khmer holidays, with some internationally recognised holidays, such as Christmas, also additionally included. 

International schools also often boast lengthy holidays over the summer period and international schools, terms tend to be split into two semesters, with the first running from August to December and the second from January to June. 

Education Institutions Listing On CSX

In 2023, the first two educational institutions successfully listed on Cambodia’s Cambodia Securities Exchange (CSX); CIA First International School Co., Ltd, and Mengly J Quach Education Plc (MJQE).

The Securities and Exchange Regulator of Cambodia (SERC), has been trying to grow the securities market in the Kingdom and the capital raised will allow these educational businesses to expand their operations and can also contribute to the development of the sector in the Kingdom.

Education Top Tips: Cambodia

What Do I Need To Remember When Selecting a School In Cambodia ?

First look at school websites to get an idea of facilities, curriculum and approach to education. Contact the school and ask for a tour. Get your kids involved in the process and talk to current and prospective parents. Always look at accreditation standards and ask the school what options outside of the curriculum it offers? For  example, does the school have language programs, sports programs or other activities for your child to participate in?

How Can I Work Out The Level of Teaching Standards At A School in Cambodia?

Investigate the experience and qualifications of teachers at your chosen school. Do all teaching staff have the correct qualifications? Are teaching staff involved in continuing certification and on-going development? Do they have experience in other international schools? Look for teachers that not only know how to run a curriculum well but also how to run a multicultural class.

How Do I Do an Accreditation Check in Cambodia?

Determining if a school offers legitimate accredited educational programs is one of the most critical factors a foreigner should consider when choosing a school in Cambodia. Internationally respected bodies have accredited everything that some international schools do – meaning every single aspect of their curriculum, environment, safety standards and finances are aligned with international standards of practice.

Enrolling your child in an internationally accredited school ensures continuity in their education as qualifications are recognised at educational institutions globally.Thus, if a family moves on from Cambodia, children can continue with an uninterrupted education.

Some of the main, internationally recognised organisations include the International Baccalaureate (IB), the Council of International Schools in Europe, the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) and the Cambridge Curriculum.