Cambodia Unveils EnergyTech Roadmap To Achieve Energy Security And Sustainable Development

(MISTI) of Cambodia released its 2023 Energy Tech Roadmap

The Ministry of Industry, Science, Technology, and Innovation (MISTI) of Cambodia released its 2023 Energy Tech Roadmap. This policy document aims to navigate the landscape of energy technology to drive Cambodia's socioeconomic development and foster a sustainable future.

 Minister Cham Prasidh, who oversees MISTI hailed the EnergyTech Roadmap as a vital policy document and emphasised its significance in pursuing socio-economic development and a sustainable future for Cambodia. 

Minister Prasidh said, "The priority now lies in achieving self-reliance in energy security and transitioning to sustainable energy sources.”. He highlighted that the Energy Tech Roadmap serves as a crucial stepping stone, guiding Cambodia through the multitude of opportunities presented by the ongoing energy transition. 

Minister Prasidh acknowledged the importance of addressing the challenges posed by rapid population growth, urbanisation, and industrialisation. These factors not only strain Cambodia's limited resources but also contribute to the climate crisis. The EnergyTech Roadmap is designed to tackle these challenges head-on. The Energy Tech Roadmap was produced by the General Department of Science, Technology, and Innovation, endorsed by the National Council of Science, Technology, and Innovation and supported by the Science and Technology Policy Institute of Korea.

Why Have A Cambodian EnergyTech Roadmap? 

The Roadmap policy states that energy is not only important for economic development but also a strategic and political driver for today’s geopolitical agenda and competitive global landscape.  

The EnergyTech Roadmap for Cambodia aims to guide and provide insights to stakeholders of the Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) to take courses of action regarding key technologies to be adopted in order to ensure the realisation of the Rectangular Strategy Phase 4, the Industrial Development Policy 2015-2025, and many others. 

Ultimately the goal is to realise the vision for 2030 and 2050 - without energy security, the failure to achieve this goal is almost certain. “A crisis in energy often leads to serious problems that hinder not only the economic prosperity of a country but also the security and survival of that nation. Consequently, all nations, including Cambodia, are seeking to ensure energy security and self-sufficiency to pursue their national interests and security in this competitive era”.  

Why Have A Cambodian EnergyTech Roadmap
 Image Credit - Ministry of Industry, Science, Technology, and Innovation 2023 Energy Tech Roadmap

Energy Technology Roadmap (EneryTech Roadmap) Vision

This EnergyTech Roadmap is developed to achieve the vision: “To become an energy self-sufficient nation through the deployment of technology and innovation, and leveraging renewable energy sources for sustainable development by 2030”. 

In order to achieve the vision above, the roadmap has the following goals: 

  1. To increase the local energy generation capacity with the support of science, technology and innovation.
  2. To increase the share of renewable energy in national consumption and its storage capacity for sustainable development.
  3. To leverage energy efficiency for domestic usage and in the industrial sector.
Energy Technology Roadmap (EneryTech Roadmap) Vision
 Image Credit - Ministry of Industry, Science, Technology, and Innovation 2023 Energy Tech Roadmap.

What Are The Strategic Products And Services Highlighted In The EnergyTech Roadmap?

The study indicated that Cambodia will focus on energy production generated from oil, hydropower, and solar Photovoltaics (PV) in the short to long run. Eight strategic products and services are listed as priorities; fossil energy, renewable energy, new energy sources, storage capacity, power stability, power transportation/distribution, efficiency, and conservation energy consumption. Key technologies in each will then be determined based on their strategic importance, high economic impacts, and high potential for success in Cambodia's context in the short, medium, and long term. The EnergyTech Roadmap aims to increase the local energy generation capacity with the support of Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI), increase the share of renewable energy in national consumption and its storage capacity for sustainable development, and leverage energy efficiency for domestic usage and the industrial sector.  Strategic products and services are determined within these three directions by committee members, along with drivers from STEEP analysis (used to evaluate external factors that may impact design decisions), and the eight aforementioned strategic products and services were chosen as priorities based on scoring.

  • Fossil energy will still be the primary source of energy, at least in the not-too-distant future. It is very strategically important with its high economic impact and high potential for success. 
  • Renewable energy was second among other key technology areas due to the favourable conditions in Cambodia. 
  • Power efficiency and conservation are also among the highest proponents for consideration.
  • Exploring new energy sources and power stability, which received a relatively low score compared to other candidates, are still in the acceptable range.
The Strategic Products And Services Highlighted In The EnergyTech Roadmap
 Image Credit - Ministry of Industry, Science, Technology, and Innovation 2023 Energy Tech Roadmap.

Additionally, this Roadmap highlights two key findings - the global megatrend toward electric vehicles and exploring potential new energy sources like nuclear and hydrogen power through Research & Development. However, to achieve energy security, the Roadmap also suggests implementing government policies and incentive schemes that meet the needs for energy security and sustainable development.  

These include investing in Science, Technology, and Innovation, as well as investing in human capital, research and development (R&D), and providing a training and education system with capabilities in energy science and technology.  

The EnergyTech Roadmap emphasises the importance of increased collaboration and coordination with stakeholders, continued study of energy policy, and the implementation of good governance practices.