GMAC reports Cambodia's luggage exports worth $1.2 billion

The Garment Manufacturers Association in Cambodia (GMAC) reported that exports of luggage were worth $1.2 billion in 2019. This represents a huge increase compared to $50 million in 2016 and doubled in value compared to 2018.

Cambodia luggage exports

GMAC Deputy Secretary-General Kaing Monika, told the Khmer Times that the US is Cambodia's biggest market for travel goods and accounts for about 80% of the total luggage exports from the Kingdom. The EU was worth 10% and the remainder was from the UK, Japan and ASEAN members. One of the reasons the exports of luggage has seen such an increase was the USA congress allowing Cambodia to export Cambodian travelling bags under the US trade preference programmes such as the Generalised System of Preferences (GSP) established in July 2016. The Cambodia Ministry of Commerce and GMAC had petitioned the US congress to push this through. Cambodian luggage exports Cambodian exports of luggage were worth $1.2 billion in 2019 GMAC said: “Based on the success of this export, GMAC would like to say thank you to the Cambodian commerce minister for his support for the exports. GMAC has also thanked the US embassy in Cambodia, especially the former US ambassador to Cambodia and the Council for the Development of Cambodia for their support to push investment in this sector." In terms of the diversity of good exported, aa report from the Ministry of Industry and Handicraft said Cambodia exported garment products, footwear and travel goods valued at $9.32 billion in 2019, a year-on-year increase of 11% from 2018. The Phnom Penh Post reports that Cambodia exported more than $5.36 billion worth of products to the US in 2019, up 40.43% from 2018.

What is GMAC?

The Garment Manufacturers Association in Cambodia (GMAC) represents the garment and footwear industry in Cambodia and was established in 1996. GMAC is the recognized association in the country, representing, promoting and safeguarding the rights and interests of the garment industry in Cambodia.